Epiphany Outdoor Gear
Epiphany Outdoor Gear Baddest Bee Fire Fuses 3-Pack EOGBB3X
$17.59Notify MeOut of stock
Epiphany Outdoor Gear Baddest Bee Fire Fuses 3-Pack EOGBB3X
Three fire starting tinder torches. Waterproof, breezeproof, and long burning. Easy “flare and fluff” design. Hexamine and calcium carbide free. Hang packaged.
$17.59Epiphany Outdoor Gear Fire Triangle Complete Kit EOGV3LEO
$25.99Notify MeOut of stock
Epiphany Outdoor Gear Fire Triangle Complete Kit EOGV3LEO
Weatherproof fire starting kit. Contains: V3 Pocket Bellows Collapsible Fire Bellowing tool; EZ Ignite ferrocerium magnesium flint striking tool; and eight pack Baddest Bee Fire Fuses weatherproof tinder torches. Works in wet or dry conditions. Packed in compact water resistant carrying case. Hang packaged.
$25.99Epiphany Outdoor Gear Baddest Bee Fire Fuses EOGBB16H
$8.99Notify MeOut of stock
Epiphany Outdoor Gear Baddest Bee Fire Fuses EOGBB16H
One fire starting tinder torch. Waterproof, breezeproof, and long burning. Easy “flare and fluff” design. Hexamine and calcium carbide free. Hang packaged.
$8.99Showing all 3 resultsSorted by popularity