Epiphany Outdoor Gear Baddest Bee Fire Fuses EOGBB16H


One fire starting tinder torch. Waterproof, breezeproof, and long burning. Easy “flare and fluff” design. Hexamine and calcium carbide free. Hang packaged.

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SKU: EOG-BB-16H Category:
UPC: 799928883245


Baddest Bee Fire Fuses are Made in the USA of 100% organic materials including beeswax, olive oil, spice/food based dyes, and  cotton (most competing products are hexamine, petroleum, or calcium carbide based.  Many of these products can be hazardous to your health). Each Fire Fuse comes in a compact/protective carrying case and are meant to be cut in half to double uses from 8 to 16.

Baddest Bee Fire Fuses provide users a weatherproof tindering knit that produces a strong, long-burning, breezeproof flame that is considerably larger, stronger, and longer burning than a flame produced by match or butane lighter.  Start rolling fires with wet or dry firewood in minutes.  Due to the low flash/ignition temperature of the materials and organic weatherproofing formula we use, our Baddest Bee Fire Fuses are extremely effective at igniting from sparks cast off flint striking tools in wet (and dry) conditions where forest floor tinders are too damp to ignite.  Coupling this larger, longer burning flame with a bellowing tool gives users the opportunity to start a fire with wet fuels they wouldn’t normally be able to start.

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